Saturday, September 19, 2009

My BYU entrance essay--rough draft

A university education is extremely important. Without attaining it, one limits their opportunities in life. A well educated person has many options open to them. By being well educated we can also better serve our community.

Brigham Young University is a unique institution. Not only does the school provide for mental growth but also for spiritual growth. One can increase their knowledge of the gospel while increasing their knowledge of the world around them without conflict.

Brigham Young University offers a clean uplifting environment.

I will be able to fulfill educational goals among others with the same high standards and spiritual goals.

Sometime in 1985--oh the honesty

Dreams are so fun, weird and dreamy. They are sometimes so real, and sometimes very unbelievable. The imagination seems to pick up all the small thoughts we've had on important subjects (or life) and blow them into strange proportions.

Last night B. H. was in my dream. I can't remember every detail, but we were in a 2-story house spending the night. Anna was upstairs asleep while I was downstairs with B. He kissed me rather long and somewhat involved, then I think Pres. H. came in afterwards and said hello. Then B. and I went upstairs to bed. I was in a sleeping bag on the bed next to Anna, and B. was on the floor beside me. Strange dream. I've had sleep-over dreams about S. before, and kissing dreams. Interesting, no? M. also kissed me in a dream besides the one about getting married to him. I guess these kinds of dreams can be expected, huh? Well, I'm glad I don't have bad ones. Honestly I do like the dreams I've had.

Tonight should be interesting-Scott and Mike? I don't want to go if it is going to be foul comedy. Supposedly we're going to a comedy show. I really don't know. Also Mike said something about a movie. We'll see!! At least now we'll be home on time

Below the crossed out entry

I am so grateful for the teachings and friendship of Jesus Christ in my life. I know with all my heart that he lives and loves each one of us. When I need a friend I can rely on the love that I can feel from Him. Without the principles of the gospel life would be too hard to endure.

When I see the problems people without the gospel face, I understand why the gospel is so important. Without accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, life is much more difficult. When we have the teachings of Christ and have developed a good relationship with him, we can be happy. I feel so blessed to have so much happiness in my life, I hope I can share it to many other people.

At Christmastime it is ideal to start sharing some gospel truths with friends and neighbors.

This entry was crossed out

Being one of the younger children is now showing its small disadvantage that I am older, but not yet adult, that your older siblings often treat you the same as when you were younger or you feel younger in their presence. Really the main difference of being the oldest is that I now receive more attention from my parents yet, I am not used to it.

Jobs I was interested in:

These were underlined:

Commercial artist
Interior designer
Life scientist
Newspaper reporter
Performing artist
Technical writer


I'm so distressed today. I guess it is because yesterday I got in an accident. It didn't affect me right away, but when I drive I think about it. I also wish Mom and Dad were home [they were in Hawaii]. Ho well, so many...problems-things going on!!!


Art was fun last night. We worked with acrylics-light and dark values-also color tint and shade. I really enjoy paint! Such fun. Time...through space and time--it takes so long--time slides by quickly...

Today I am going out to lunch with Dan Riley-and to find his tux. I was going to go with Scott after school, but he has to work. So will go tomorrow. Today I can finish Anna and my roadshow costumes after school. Also water, plant, clean bathrooms, and vacuum my room and my parent's room.

I really enjoy English classes. especially Writing and Humanities. I learned so much last year in Humanities. It was a good class. I like the sections on music and art. A.P.

I know how Mom and Dad feel now, about the responsibility of children and a house and work and food-meals. I've had quite a time! hardly time to breathe. Every spare moment I spend cleaning the house. I've been late three times this week - the other day I didn't go to first period at all.

I think "in my spare time" I should read those "Out of the Best Books" so that I can do well in the A.P. exam. I'm not sure if we're getting enough experience in here.

Dance, art, English, teaching. War and Peace, physiology, cleaning. Schedule is quite full! But I do enjoy it. I am ready for a break. I'm not even home any night of the week. At least I've had some time to read.

I want to spend more time at art. I enjoy it so much, and I think I could do very well. I need practice in speaking. I have a talk in Youth Ward Conference on Sunday about "Making Time for a Better Me."

I have to really push myself to be able to like other guys now. It is a pain. I wish I could drop S. within me. I wish I could like Dan or someone.

2-10-85 I spoke in the youth section of ward conference. I felt like I did a pretty good job. Better than I thought I was going to do. Then the Bishop asked tracy to bare her testimony of the gospel during Ward conf. I was very happy-I felt good toward Lauren too. He was good. All is well. Then we picked up Mom and Dad and Raymond and Louwanna from the airport.

2-11 = Saturday night after roadshow Dan Reilly came over and we watched "Mame", until 2am, then he stayed until 2:30am. I am so tired now. Anyway-hmmmm? I know not how I feel.

Katy called Sat. morning--Kathleen Kenney is engaged to Fred. May 31st they're getting married. I'm excited about going to Hawaii.

Making Time to Make a Better Me, Ward Conference March 10

"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven and I, Jesus Christ are perfect." Matt. 5:48

At this time in our lives we need to prepare ourselves for the rest of our lives.

Youth - time of preparation
Strengthening of testimony and knowledge
Talents - parable of the talents
Make time - read, discover talents, work to improve yourselves, practice
-set goals - "Do it"
Practice in your family
Plan - set priorities, decide which things in your schedule have to be done - those which can wait.
-Prayer, scriptures, journal - do regardless
-School- try to learn all you can - free education -
always work to learn, if you are to become - Godlike -
Plan, carry out
Sundays - catch up on scriptures, journal, family caring
-Prayer - for strength, gratefulness, to get out of despair, etc.
CALENDAR is essential
-journal - is extremely important - helpful

Life is good! I had a wonderful feeling last night on the way to the airport! I felt so happy. : >

Well, I'm pretty psyched! I just got accepted to BYU, plus the Honors program. I think it will be fun.

If I sign up for all honors courses, I just might be overloaded. I'll have to ask around - etc.

I'm still not sure exactly what I want to do - -But I know I want to do something great that will help others see the truth. Whatever that could be in. Whether writing, art, dance or drama - I would like to try them all.

If I could learn to convey the feelings I have about life on paper, I would title the book- Beyond. (at least that's what I was thinking today) BEYOND- it has a nice ring to it. So dreamy and unknown, spiritual rather than temporal. I feel like I'm just beginning to understand life. No one person really has all the answers, but I have to say that as a Mormon I am offered more of the truth than most scholars have. Life is really quite simple after you see the whole picture man has his place and his purpose - God is the creator and Father, but there still lies the unanswered questions in large numbers. Fortunately for us the subjects and answers we need to know are given to us.


I enjoy art so much. I would like to spend more time at it. I'll just have to make time... Life can be portrayed so beautifully through art. Also truth, don't ask me how... But because messages can be portrayed in pictures, messages of truth are shown. I like artists. I think. I know I like Todd Knell. I have so much fun studying about art. I need to keep taking art classes.

Life is so beautiful. Especially when portrayed in dance, art, and photography. But I suppose the bad parts of life are also shown through those same mediums. There are opposites in everything. I sometimes wish I were a better actress. I think that I could influence people for good if I was famous. Maybe through dance, and art. Or...? But I will do something great. I believe that I can because I have the Lord's help. One of the biggest questions that I have is of what type of guy I like best. I don't really know. I tend to like "class clown" types. Or ASB presidents. (ha, ha) I think I could have really like Seth. I like David still. I wish I understood why I like S. Artists, musicians, lawyers, hm? etc.! I guess I'm not sure. Does it matter? I am getting interested very much in foreign countries. I would like to travel-photograph, paint, (dance?) Write. About life. About how I feel, cultures- society. I do like to write, but I don't believe that I am good enough. But I could be, I suppose.


Debbie S. told me when she was talking about S. M., M. S. said, "that's Sage's ex-boyfriend." Then Deb said she couldn't picture us together because I'm nice, and S. can be such a jerk and rude, then M. said "You don't know Sage." He said to me "You're getting wilder every day!" He also thought I was going out with S. S., which isn't true in the sense he meant. I don't like him very much. Anyway, I feel bad that I've caused misunderstanding. I also realize that M. probably recognized S and my actions toward him at the New Year's Eve dance. Hm.


Ugh. Everything is going so fast right now. I can barely hang on. I'm so tired of everything. ......oh well.


Life is bizarre. Ha. I feel strange. Out of it in a way today. Last night I watched the song girl try outs. Laura, Beth, Anna and I had fun. Bonnie did well. Afterwords Anna and I bought tulips for Bonnie and brought them over. Before we left I talked to Chris H. about guys and her boyfriend Mike and my experience with S. I felt bad because Chris was sad because of her boyfriend, so I bought her a chocolate bunny-but she isn't here during 3rd. But in first period she said Mike had called her so she felt better. Life is good! : >


Life is great! I'm in a great mood today. We talked to Katherine yesterday-she's very seriously considering marriage to Ward Warnick. Pretty exciting. I wonder if they will!! I'm hoping things work out well this week, just with everything. Conference this weekend was uplifting, I enjoyed it, even though I was quite tired. I had fun painting Easter eggs. The White Rabbit and Alice in Wonderland as Queen. Well, someday I will get over S....


I think I feel like crying. I almost am. It's not that big a deal. But I am very embarrassed. -ugh. I am sad right now.

Because of Bruce, the Prom, his braids, and my reputation.

Later that same strange day:

I just asked Jon S. to the Spring Sensation! He said "yes"! I'm psyched because life's so fun. Woah. I hope Scott doesn't get mad. : > I feel pretty good now. We had a b-day party for Dave Marx at 31 Flavors. It was fun. Then Bruce came to the corner, apologized for telling people I braided his hair. (which embarrassed me) I guess because I've set a certain image of myself in my mind and that doesn't fit it. Anyway, things are good now!


Things are going pretty well now. Yesterday I ate lunch on the Sr. lawn with Jeff Astor while we discussed the Grad. theme (speeches). After school I talked to Jon-we're trying to plan the rest of Friday's dinner. Then after play practice (there wasn't any) I drove Gilles and Mitch, Audrey, Kirsten to San Francisco to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream." We went to the zoo-it was closed, then ate dinner at Zim's on 19th. Then found our way to the Palace of Fine Arts. I sat by Gilles-we laughed practically the whole time, he's fun. I've had fun-I'm excited about Friday-I have we can make everything work out. Laura is getting stressed, but I think we'll work it all out.

Yesterday I got part of my BYU schedule-Honors, I want to get a class-Pearl of Great Price. Honors from Uncle Hugh. I'm not sure what I want to take though-oh well!!! I'm psyched=!! : > (the class was full, bum deal)


Life is great, wonderful, exhilarating, marvelous, intriguing, happy. I'm really enjoying myself! I'm not even sure exactly why I feel so uplifted-a mixture of everything, I believe. Dance, art, friends, family-our foster kids-which we got yesterday-3 month old girl Cair, 5 year old boy-Justin. They are both so cute-Also this gives us a little family-making me the oldest-It's a good experience for me-also Lauren I think! This is fun-I hope I finish getting my dress fixed before tomorrow night. : > So much to do-

Laura and I are shopping at lunch-but I really don't think we'll have time-Today after practice-I told Mariam I'd cut her hair. Then I have Art-Acrylic Painting! How fun! I love painting! I've only just begun---I'm excited-I made call backs for Temple Pageant dancer. But I'm going to be in Gridley-I'll have to work it out. SOON!! Today, I think. Life is great!! :>


I didn't go to Gridley. I stayed home and babysat. The Spring Sensation was wonderful! Jon is so much fun : ).


During vacation I saw Jon about every day, we went to the beach, saw a movie and went ice skating. I dropped by his work twice and he dropped by my house once. School is hard to figure out exactly what I should do. It's like I have 15 min. to briefly chat with Jon but really less than that because there are other people around too. I'm not sure if he wants to see me at lunch or what, or go out on weekends. I know he's working Fri. night. But he hasn't said anything. I'm not sure if I'll go to the dance or not. Well, I wish I knew-but I think he just isn't the kind of person who will take all my time-maybe. When I say Bruce asked me to go out-wind surfing-he just says are you going? Sounds fun. Would I want to go wind surfing w/ Bruce? Maybe I should become better friends with him. But do I want to or do I think I should just be nice?

5-1-85 May Day!

Jon gave me a note today! : > I'm happy, he's happy, hope you're happy too. (David Bowie!) Life is great. How many times will I feel that if my life is going to continually get better. I think it will be me improving as I spiritually mature! I am very excited about the fulfillment of my life. I love everyone and this beautiful world too. I haven't been especially nice to Tracy but that is because when I'm with her and Joanne I feel like I'm in jr. high. Not nice, but true. I still love her and value her as a friend, only I don't "hang around" with her at school! Jon is nice...etc., etc. Things are going well. Laura and Charlie are "going out" now. He came over to her house and asked her to be his girlfriend. Reminds me of Simon. I saw Stewart Jackson today. Old flames memories (not with Stewart-Simon)

Jon S. is wonderful. : >


It seems as though Mr. Pelton has a different view toward me today. Yesterday, he came out of the classroom and saw me sitting on Jon's lap flirting and talking to Laura. It isn't any big deal, but I don't think it fits the image I portray most of the time. Knowledge is great. I'm really thankful that I have learned while in school. I don't really appreciate it fully when Jon kisses me in front of other people. But I can't really say-don't kiss me, because then he might not.


We talked it out and decided it's best to help our physical closeness unapparent in public. Everything is wonderful, I feel like I'm singing! This is funny--I'm going with Bruce to the prom--I'm going to cut his hair.


Time flies when you aren't paying attention--and when you are. I've been so busy I've almost run myself into the ground. I've got a cold but I still don't stop. I'm sad that school will be out in three weeks. How will I have time to thank all the teachers I've had here at Homestead! Or say how much I'll miss some of my friends here. My heart is full. But I'm so busy I haven't even had time to write my Senior will. Things are pretty good with Jon. The play is tomorrow night. I actually feel nervous a little. I shouldnt. Bruce's hair is better, but Anna's going to cut it more to fix it even more. Now Bruce is talking GQ. He bought new shirts and he's dying some of his clothes. Interesting. I wonder if I can make a difference. Jon..? I wonder what will happen. I think we'll stay good friends. I have to say it feels different with him because he seems young to me. I can't really understand myslef all the time. But I like Jon a lot. So everything's cool.



Jon is so much fun. I'm very happy and excit3ed. Life is great.

Also Mr. Halstead is a sweetie pie.


Tomorrow I'll be eighteen. Wow.

Letter not sent

9 Nov 88

Dear Thomas;

I'm sorry for taking so long to write. Besides the fact that I never feel like writing letters during my P-days I've been waiting to hear from you. (Yeah-that's what they all say!)

"When you're Down, Look Up!" Pray Tom. Read the words of prophets. Have faith. So simple sometimes we can't do it.

It isn't really just as easy as 1-2-3, but it is possible to reach exaltation. It certainly will be a great struggle, however, to truly overcome our weaknesses. "Weaknesses becoming strengths" is my goal. It's so important to first become aware of our inabilities and lack in our person in order to work on it, overcome it.

I've kind of been in my own little world. I'm a missionary and I don't think on much else. When I do think of other things it's often just a memory brought forth by some physical reminder.

[I've kind of been avoiding commenting on my notebook posts, but I have to say: this is irritating isn't it!!! Good thing I never sent it!]

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have no memory, only a pen.

July 22, 1986, small note paper, tiny script

Newton Physics-Physical World
Quantum Physics-Spiritual World

p. 35 "Dancing Wu Li Masters"

"We can predict how many atoms in a piece of radium are going to disintegrate in the next hour, but we have no way of determining which ones are going to disintegrate."

Similarly, we know that many are called, but few are chosen--we know a rough few will make it--but we realistically cannot judge who it will be.

p. 40 It's interesting that physics and psychic contain almost the same letters in just a different order--the similarity is almost surprising.

p. 53 . 4 "Leonard also discovered that reducing the intensity of the impinging light beam (making it dimmer) did not reduce the velocity of the rebounding electrons, but it did reduce the number. He found that the velocity of the rebounding electrons could be altered, however, by changing the color of the impinging light."

Also post-mission, pre-marriage (I think)

People alone, struggling to overcome the hurt of relationships that went wrong. Trying to build new dreams without being weighed down by past sorrows.

Goals - career - family - service comes first
whichever happens to take place
trials and tribulations

Marriage - selfishness - fear of divorce / unhappiness
career as alternative
What about the joys of family?

Pain, heartache - holds people back - keeps
them from progressing - marriage or
relationships - which

This is from about 1990, post-mission, pre-marriage

Why We need to study:

Greek and Roman Civilizations
-to understand our own civilization better
-why we need to know what they did for us-to see problems and answers to them
-they, like us, were people with the same problems

How does it really help me to live a better life, be a better person by studying history? literature?

Finding answers to questions I have and finding questions about things I've never though of before.

Still, I shrink inside from shock at this other life. I long for someone to pick at me and pull me apart inside. I need to talk with someone--I need prayer. I need the strength to pray. My mind wearies quickly. I long to dig my hands into the soil, sweat after a days work, get paint on my clothes from working. I also long for companionship. How's Sue Silva? I must make myself write. I feel so unorganized, like everything has fallen apart. Why can't I get my desk? I'm angered, but I understand and can be patient.

Today I ate lunch with Rick (I think that was his name.)


learn to learn with a good attitude

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sage Draper, Sept. 27, 1978

Maxine the Martian

Intro: This is about a girl named K. W., she is 11 years old. She meets a Martian named Maxine, she's 11 too. Read the story.

Chapter 1

It was the first day of October. On the second of October I was supposed to go to a two week "Get Acquainted Camp." This camp is for boys and girls. My mother said I had to go because I didn't have many friends.

We had moved from New York to California on the 1st of September. I was upset and uninterested about being in California (since I was born in New York and had lived there all my life).

Even though I had already started school I didn't try to make friends.

The night came and I had to go to bed.

That night I couldn't sleep. I was worried half to death.

When I woke up I got up, made my bed, got dressed, had breakfast, and started packing.

I was supposed to be at Washington Park at 10:00am if I wanted to get on the bus. It was 9:31 and I was not finished packing.

It was 9:45 when I finished packing. I asked my mom if she would now take me to the park so I wouldn't miss the bus.

We arrived at 9:56. I just got there in time. The bus was loading everyone's luggage into the bus.

I told my mother good-bye and ran toward the bus and the driver took my suitcase and told me to go get in line. I got shoved into the line next to a girl about my age.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Maxine Martin. What's yours?" she replied.

"Kristy W. How old are you?" I asked.


"Me too." I said.

Chapter 2

We sat together on the bus and discussed our lives. Soon we became good friends.

"Where do you come from?" I asked.

"Ah, oh, uh. I come from Mars." she answered.

"You do!" I said jokingly.

"Yea." she said, "I'll show you some magic at camp."

"Wow!!" I breathed, "I can't believe it."

About an hour later we reached our destination, Yosemite.

We were shown where our cabins were and told where our meals were served.

Maxy and I were in the same bunk. I was glad.


"That must be the lunch bell." I said.

"We better hurry." Maxy said.

When we got there we had to get in a long line because we came a little late. Our cabin was the farthest away from the 'Dining Hall.'

After lunch we had a volleyball game. Maxy was on the other team.

In front of me there was a boy who looked liek Maxy. I asked his name.

"What's your name? I said casually.

"Maxwell Mart." He replied.

"I have a friend named Maxine Martin," I said, "She looks like you, sorta."

"Could I meet her?" He asked.

"Sure. Are you a Martian?" I said.

"How did you know!" he said.

"Well, I figured you were Maxy's brother that got lost on Earth," I said, "She told me about you. How old are you?"

"13." Max said.

"Oh." I said, "You must be him!"

After the game I took Max over to Maxy and told her it was probably her real brother. She was really excited.

That night I was so excited about Maxy and Max I couldn't sleep. I had not had Maxine show me some magic. I looked in the bunk below me, to see if Maxy was there. She was gone. Oh, no. I had better look for her.

Should I wake someone, and tell them she's gone? No, I better not. Maybe she's with Max!

I left quietly and went around our cabin. She wasn't there. Then I went over to Max's cabin. They weren't there.

I was afraid maybe something happened. I started running from dining hall to volleyball to every game we had had the day before.

"Kristy, Kristy, come here." said a voice like Maxy's.

"I can't see you, where are you?" I said.

"I'm on Mars, but I can take you there. Do you want to come?" she said.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Come over here, toward the dining hall." she said.

I walked toward the dining hall. I felt like I had just ran into a wall. Then I felt like I was flying. Stop.

We were supposedly there. On Mars!

"Maxy, don't I need a mask or something?" I asked.

"No, you're with us." Maxy replied.

"Where do you live up here?" I asked.

"I'll show you." Maxy replied.

We walked on a moving sidewalk. It was like foam rubber. We got there very fast. It was a huge house. It was red. We went inside.

Inside it was very modern. It seemed very mechanical too. Maxy showed me through the house. Her bedroom was round and really big. I was wondering why her house was so big, because all the others were fairly small.

"Why is your house the biggest?" I said.

"Because my father is King of Mars."

"Wow, really?" I said exasperated.

"Yes, I'm a Martian Princess." She said seriously.

"You never showed me your magic powers, " I said, "Does everybody have magic powers?"

"No, just the Royal Family." She said, "When they become King or Queen they are given magic powers and the old Royal family keep their magic."

"Well, you can do your magic now." I said.

Maxine did her magic. It was very neat. She asked me if I wanted to have permanent magic.

"Oh, could I?!" I said excitedly.

"Yes, you can. It will be easy." she replied.

Chapter 3

We are in the two story cabin at camp.

"Now's the time to try you magic." Maxy said.

"What should I do first?" I asked.

"How about flying?"

"Okay." I said.

"First you have to know that you can fly and think 'fly.' Then jump from the ground and swing your arms at first so you won't fall." Maxine said.

I knew I could fly because of the magic. I thought, "Fly, fly, fly."

Then I started to swing my arms back and forth.

Soon I started to fly. We were in the two story cabin and I started flying up and down the stairs. This was terrific.

"What else can I do?" I asked.

"Well, you can use your index finger to do practically anything. You can be invisible as you know, and you can zap from one place to another." Maxy said.

"That sounds just perfect." I said.

"Yes, Max and I have a lot of fun with our magic powers. Everybody on Mars envies us." Maxine said.

Ringgg ringgg.

"That must be the lunch bell again." I said slowly.

"Hey, want to fly there?" Maxy said.

"That's a good idea, but won't somebody see us?" I asked.

"Not if we're invisible." Maxy said.

So we flew to the dining hall and were first there. We univisibled behind a tree. Then we were first in line. After lunch we had our normal after-lunch games.

We told Max that Maxy had given me magic powers and we told him that we had flown to lunch.

We were all (everybody in camp) going on a hike to a lake.

It was about two miles to the lake. It was a beautiful lake. We all went swimming. We swam for about an hour and then walked back to camp for dinner.

After dinner we flew back to our cabin and went to sleep.

Chapter 4

Ring ring ring.

"Ahh. That mush be the wake-up bell." I said sleepily.

"We better get up."

"I wish we could sleep just one more hour."

"Wanta stop time."


"With our magic!"

"All right."

Boing pong zoop!!! (silence)

"Is time stopped now?" I asked.

"Yes, all but you and me and Max."


We went outside the cabin. Everything was silent. Even the wind had stopped. It was creepy.

"Let's get Max," we both muttered silently.

So we went to the boys cabins and got Max, who was watching the other boys silently.

"Why did you do this?" Max asked.

"Because we wanted more time to rest," Maxy explained.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

(Long pause).

"Why don't we go to Mars and visit your parents," I suggested.

"Good idea," The Maxes replied.

For about 15 minutes (at least it seemed that long) we traveled through space.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1987 Christmas Poem

We ate our Turkey yesterday,
The Holiday Season's here
I know it's time to get in line
And feel the Yuletide cheer.

But it's not the green, the red, the Holly
that truly makes my soul feel jolly.

At Christmastime I think of Christ
His birth, his life, his death
This shopping mess, its lines, its lists
Brings stress to my soul and breath.

Let Christmas be a time of love
Of giving self to others
Remember friends far and near
And to them spread true
Christmas cheer.

My Journal

June 6, 1977 is my 10th birthday. I got a watch for the first time in my life. I got a shirt and some blue pants. Swimming suit and pajamas. Mom went to the hospital at 2:00.

June 11, 1977 Today seemed like a bad day, but after noon I felt perfect.

Mother came home from the hospital. I'm listening to the radio right now. I'm feeling fine. And folding clothes while Anna makes a father's day present.

also about 1977 or 1978

Tallulah's Boys

Once upon a time there was a mouse named Talullah.

She had so many boy friends she went on a date every night.

Pretty soon Talullah got tired of this so she desighted she would call up all her boy friends and tell them she was going on vacation. She thought since Tommy was going out with her tonight she should call him first.

"hmm hmm here it is, Tommy, 738-4907. Hello, is this Tommy."

"Yes it is."

"Well this is Talullah. I can't go out with you tonight, because I'm going on vacation, okay."

"How can you do that to me? I have two tickets to the disco in those rich people's fire place."

"Well, I guess I can postpone my vacation."

"That's good, because no way am I going out with that big shot Meleen."

If all the boys are that way I'll still be going on a date every night.

Sage Draper, Language assignment, 11-7-1977

a true story about our very smart cat

Mysterious, a cat who knew how to take care of herself.

One day when I lived in Provo, Utah, my brother, Nichol found a young cat. He asked all the neighbors if they owned or knew who owned it. All of them said, "no." So we kept the cat in our garage (because my mother doesn't like cats in the house.) We had just moved so there were a lot of boxes in the garage.

We decided to name her. We went out into the garage but we couldn't find her. We looked and looked then I saw her behind some boxes. Then we decided to name her Mysterious because she was mysterious.

We fed her milk till we had had her about a week. Then we got some cat food for her. We didn't really need it because she would go outside of the garage (it was all fields outside). Then she caught some field mice and she would catch gardner snakes and crickets.

We lived right across from the school we went to. Sometimes Mysterious would come to our school while we were there.

Once when we were in school Mysterious came and we were out at P.E. I saw her and went over there. Mysterious had caught a mouse. My friend Beth tried to take the rat from her mouth. The rat was still alive and it bit Beth's hand. We told our teacher and she put a bandaid on her sore.

Sage Draper, circa 1977

The Flying Motorcycle

I am a girl. I own a motorcycle. One morning I decided to take a ride on my motorcycle, Zoomie. When I opened the garage to get Zoomie, a flock of pigeons flew out. I thought they must have flown in the day before when I had left the garage door open.

When I got on Zoomie, I noticed a large, purple button. What a minute, that's not right, is it! Let me look again. I was right. It was a large, purple button. I decided to see what it did.

"Do be careful, it might hurt me," said Zoomie, my motorcycle.

"Okay, I will," I said.

I decided I would start the motor and then press the button.

Then I started the motor. Rrrrmmm rrrmmm. I pressed the button!!

All of a sudden a flapping, white, wing sprouted on Zoomie's left side and then the right, and a tail. The next thing I knew we were in the air. I was so surprised I almost fell off Zoomie.

"Zoomie, are you okay?" I asked.

"Just a little shaken. How are you?" Zoomie replied.

"The same." I muttered.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked, "I feel so great up in the air. I've always wanted to fly."

"You mean you like to fly? I thought you were scared half to death, like me." I said.

"Well, I'm not. Do you want me to stay like this forever?" Zoomie asked.

"Okay, that would be great!" I said, and hugged him for his thoughtfulness.

Monday, September 14, 2009

thoughts from the tip of a glass pen

written June 25, 2003 with a Venetian twisted glass pen, gold and purple ink, Brewster, NY

Purple Poem

Color of Kings and
Royal, bright and rich

Warm, friendly
Color of twilight
Of summer sunsets
Lilacs and tulips
Violets and roses
Grapes, plums and
the regal eggplant

Purple is beautiful
The color of enlightenment
Red and Blue united.

Gold Inside Me

Golden streaks
of sunshine
pasted to my paper.
Wishing for
Finding it in a new place

A shining ray
of light, glistening across
the page, written in my heart.
A solid place for my
feeling towards you.

Maturing Vision

Like children
Innocent with capacity
For any number of
Evils. But still bright
With hope for good choices
In day and out day.

And then, when choices
are what hope wanted,
seeking ever for good--spite
other--where am I then, now
Certainly knowing
Past faults, but
Blind to previous
life, lightened by
a new vision.

Poem: Expanding

Expanding, joy, splattering up
against my ribs,
Morning comes earlier, heart swelling
against my lungs, air expelling
joy again.
Why this? All I did what what
You said.

Before, torn, divided and bruised was
my heart and head.
Confused by who I am, and am not.
What changed? All I did was what
You asked.

Youth is a joyous sense of light
lost as the body expands and aches.
But, then, that joy comes again.
Why renewed? All I did was follow
Your words.

When morning breaks into my dreams
I say this day, still expanding
my life on this earth is a gift. I will accept
Your will.

Poem from May 16th, 2007

Selves and Souls

A childhood friend reconnects with me
--in my grown-up life, making me
see my self in new, (yet actually the old)
light. I see from eyes of youth now
fleeting, so I reach
for past parts of me.

Muscles newly moving, me renewing.
Quiet moments, buttressed by boys--
their joyous noises, cries, demands.

Dishes in the sink, always more to do. Laundry
in piles, daily growing and shrinking. Helped by
hands just small and cute. Little voices learning
labels and notes. Brothers bustling about
our house. A house, tall and white.
Ours to create.

Spring here. Flowers there. A football to
throw for my babies grown to boys. A garden
to plant, to weed, to tend. A family, forever
marked in daily doses of breakfasts,
books and good night kisses.

My family, with me renewing through
moments real and precious. Tears and elbows
combining. This life passing,
leaving a trail on selves and souls.

This will be a record of my past writings
